Personal project planner is a type of software making it easy to manage (plan and control) projects undertaken by a single person. Usually such projects don’t have a wide scope, but they can be managed with a help of methods applied to the largest projects as far as projects may pursue quite serious goals as well. Actually process of planning is about setting some objectives, explaining them in specific terms, and creating project timeline to reach these objectives as soon as possible (the most common personal project examples are: creating a web-site, establishing home business, writing a novel or a student work). The most typical personal projects are represented in personal project templates that can be found on the Web, but this is not the topic of this article, because it is about personal project planners and their desirable features:
- Personal project outline – it is a process of visioning your project as a sequence of feasible steps to take towards your objectives. In other words it is a model of what you are going to do in order of reaching your targets. The estimation tool is what can help you to take a sober view of the path you want to complete. As soon as you will start using planner you will be able to see the critical path of your project clearly, you will better understand risks and resources required, so if they aren’t reasonable you can revise the plan. This is like making project proposal to stakeholder (yourself) to accept or decline it due to feasibility study.
- Creating personal project sample – after you have an outline of your project you can make it more specific with setting out details of your tasks – for example, you can create a schedule of your activities. This stage is like a presentation – you should elaborate, examine and approve your own business plan to be sure you can put it in practice. You can pass this stage much easier than if you were using traditional paper means. After your plan is ready to be performed you can use the same software for project progress management.

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- Report – of course personal projects as well as any big projects should be properly reported and controlled through spreading control over the key performance indicators. The analysis is process which can be easily carried out with a help of appropriate program. You can use its functionality to build your personal reports in order to know your results, see pending tasks and amount of workloads completed, know time left before due dates, see late or procrastinated tasks etc. For example, the software example reviewed below allows you to adjust its interface in order of obtaining personal project report sample matching your needs in the best manner.
VIP Task Manager is teamwork (multi-user) software that nevertheless can be used as effective project planner providing rich functionality for planning and controlling projects. It features three templates (Task List, Task Tree and Calendar) that can be used to operate with your tasks and goals in terms of daily to-do lists, costs and other parameters. When it is installed over a network of collaborating workstations, this program can work yet as software for every person using it while enabling them to share their data in real-time regime. |