Task Management Software

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Home » Reporting Tasks » Make reports on estimated and actual time
Make reports on estimated and actual time  

Make reports on estimated and actual time


Why is it important to compare estimated and actual time?

The reports that show the difference between estimated and actual time not only help you to see if you or your employees are productive. They can help you plan the time more accurately. It is not easy to estimate the right time the task will take. Especially if the task is new to you or you are planning the task for someone else. When you plan less time than the task really takes it may lead to stress and undermine the productivity.

Use reports to become more effective while planning

When comparing estimated and actual time you should distinguish the reasons why the data in two columns is different. In one case you or your employee may be not well qualified for this task and it took more time to be accomplished than you expected. In another case you didn't realize well how much time this task will take, and its an experience for you to plan this type of task better next time. In both cases the report generated by task management software will help you to become more effective as a team leader or when you plan your own tasks.

Action plan

  1. Start your task management software
  2. Enter estimated time while planning tasks
  3. Enter actual time when the task is complete
  4. Set filter to display only tasks assigned to particular resource on particular date or period of time
  5. Right click on footer under Estimated and Actual Time columns and select 'Sum'
  6. Export task list to MS Word/MS Excel format or print it out and analyze you Estimated and Actual time

See also:

 How to make sure you will have a report from your team

CentriQS Reporting Tasks Solution

CentriQS offers several tools for task reporting. Users can work with Pivot grid, generate charts and use Time Logs view which lets filter, group and sort time logs for creating time tracking reports. These reports can be used for various purposes such as performance measuring, payroll calculating, client billing, etc.

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