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Activity planning software - select activity planning tool to achieve goals wisely  

Activity planning software - select activity planning tool to achieve goals wisely


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In order to be successful in your life you should set clear goals and act to achieve them. But of course you should plan activities wisely. Activity planning software is a tool that will help you to smartly lay out tasks of yours. If you are familiar with GTD activities planning method you know that your to-do-list should rather be a step-by-step plan than just a list of tasks. In other words effective to-do list is an to-do list where each item is a doable action that can be done and after this you can easily proceed with next action. Also plan of activities should be organized by different contexts (ex: locations where actions can be done). A work planning tool will help you to manage and follow your plan of tasks properly. Activities planning for workgroup can be performed according to the same principles but it seems to be more complicated because one team coordinator cannot schedule processes for all team members, so each team member should plan activities individually. Activity planning software should have a number of features that ensure effective application of chosen planning style in teamwork - in mentioned case it should be a proper balance between individual planning and delegating of tasks.

In order to schedule tasks within workgroup the group coordinator should assign tasks to workgroup members and then each team member should transform assigned task into a doable activity plan . That's why first of all, an tool should support client-server manner of work. Only this technology will help software to be collaborative. Such a tool provides client components for users and one shareable database that contains all tasks. With a help of such software team coordinator will be able to assign and control tasks in real time regime and team members will be able to perform their individual independent work planning.

Activity planning software - select activity planning tool to achieve goals wisely

VIP Task Manageris client-server activity planning tool for user-friendly real-time collaboration in terms of tasks and time management. This activity planning software will help you and your team members in building and prioritizing of a todo list - you can allocate tasks by contexts, projects, timelines, priorities, assignments etc.

This software is a great tool that allows you to break-down projects into tasks, assign tasks to performers and do work tracking of project progress in real-time regime.VIP Task Manager is a tool that features several modes that can be used for activities planning and reviewing tasks - Task Tree for to reviewing projects, Task List for managing tasks in to-do list format and Scheduler to review work schedules on Calendar.

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