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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Home » Solutions » Articles » Business goals achievement: objectives, plan, roles, checkpoints and debriefing
Business goals achievement: objectives, plan, roles, checkpoints and debriefing  

Business goals achievement: objectives, plan, roles, checkpoints and debriefing


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Absence of the business goals is one of the first reasons of company troubles and failure of the company. Without goals the manager cannot induce his subordinates to work because they cannot just work and just perform their tasks. Each activity requires determined purposes, and the manager must set goals to the employees and clearly explain them what to do and why to do it. This is very important because not only the manager defines how the goals will be succeeded but the employees who must understand the goals properly and do their best to achieve these goals. The main idea of achievement of goals may include the following steps:

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Business goals achievement

1. Setting objectives.

They must be realistic and precisely formulated in figures. It is important that each team member could accurately specify the goals. Otherwise, the team would move to different goals. In other words, the manager requires to get feedback from his subordinates in order to make himself sure that all employees conceive their goals and priorities. The manager can request employees to leave their comments in task attribute 'Comments'. VIP Task Manager sends task comments in real time so the manager can get quick feedbacks from his subordinates.

2. Drawing up a plan for achievement of objectives.

Strategic plan of company can be worked out for long-range period and embrace all company divisions. It is reasonably to divide the plan into several periods (quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly plans). The manager must also check which parts of plan require a detail description and so carefully specify them to his subordinates. In VIP Task Manager you can specify task details in task attribute 'Notes'. Also you can use Calendar View in order to get tasks in Year, Monthly, Week or Day view.

3. Assigning roles to each employee which takes part in the work.

For every role there is an area of responsibilities and duties. In VIP Task Manager you can create and assign roles to employees, set permissions to task groups and tasks.

4. Checkpoints.

Very useful instrument for checkpoints is a report. In VIP Task Manager you can build reports in text or graph view. The manager can set up checkpoints as for strategic plan as for individual plan. Usually there can be four checkpoints:

  • ' Start '. When the employee starts to execute his plan, he informs his manager about it.
  • ' Middle '. The employee gives a report on his current work and the manager checks if everything is all right. If it is not, the manager can re-assign tasks to another employee or assign additional employees to tasks.
  • ' Last chance '. This is the most difficult stage when the employee almost finished his work and it is hard to make something over. However on this checkpoint the manager has the last chance to change or correct employee's performance for better.
  • ' Completed '. The plan was accomplished in time according to corporate standards. The employee generates report and gives it to his manager.

5. Debriefing.

After the goals are achieved the manager proceeds to analysis. He can gather all the reports and analyze where mistakes were done and who made them. Analyzed data can be applicable for future setting of business goals. VIP Task Manager allows to generate report as for a task as for a group of tasks. When task is completed it can be moved to archive.

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