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The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Computer-supported management as a topic of business forum  

Computer-supported management as a topic of business forum


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Business management software
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VIP Task Manager
Task management software
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The modern circumstances require flexibility from business. The topics which were discussed within any business forum of recent times in any event are connected to global economic crisis. The recommendations which were elaborated during various talks consider different problems of business cooperation and company partnership in the circumstances of the crisis. Many of companies suffered from the crisis because some of their partners were unable to fulfill their commitments. Crisis forced many companies to reduce their spending seriously (so a lot of employees were fired, some companies reduced employees social service, for example refused to provide them with lunch service etc.) and to search new strategic partners abroad in order to out-source some of their projects.

One of the forms of cooperation is staff management and connection between employees and employers. This field of partnership was influenced by the crisis strongly as well. One of recommendations which were given during various talks to SME managers by experts is to organize temporally remote work for certain part of their employees in order to economize resources. Such business partnership between employees and employers is mutually beneficial, because it allows employees to save their work and employers to save money and labor resources.

The problems and ways of remote employees-employers cooperation were discussed on business forum of software developers. According to results of business forum the crisis can be considered as an opportunity for companies to implement new methods of computer-supported management and new instruments for connection .

Computer-supported management as a topic of business forum

Computer-based personnel management solutions which allow assigning and controlling tasks and projects for employees working at home or in other countries become very relevant now. Business connection software which allows you to establish cooperation with employees that work remotely should combine capabilities peculiar for project management and team collaboration software.

VIP Task Manager is task and time management groupware that combines these capabilities. With its help you can arrange management of remote employees (via Internet) and at the same time of employees working within office (via LAN).

VIP Task Manager is an excellent solution for small & medium size enterprises because it features:

  • Simultaneous multiple users access via LAN or/and Internet
  • Organizing and staffing the project office and team
  • Planning of tasks, processes, procedures etc.
  • Setting of timelines, priorities, tasks order and workloads
  • Time, quantity and cost control
  • Task Tree, Task List and Scheduler (Calendar) modes
  • Work performance tracking and analyzing
  • Sharing of documents, files and links
  • Access rights management
  • Instant e-mail and in-system notifications
  • Customizing of task attributes and workflows
  • Free server part and no recurring fees

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new CentriQS -15% OFF
Business management software
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VIP Task Manager
Task management software
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