Task Management Software

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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Worksheet: Don't Let Your Team Day Turn into Wasted Day  

Worksheet: Don't Let Your Team Day Turn into Wasted Day


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Often team coordinators and project managers use worksheets for recording work planned or done on a project. There is certain worksheet range: this can be a general to-do list that represents whole project or individual agenda that is designed for each employee to organize his/her workflow. Structure of worksheet can vary, but mainly it consists of rows, columns and cells. Worksheet rows may represent planned and completed tasks, columns - attributes of the tasks, and worksheet cells - values of these attributes.  For example: one of worksheet rows represents Task 1, the column - Due Date and cell (at the intersection) is equal '21.03.2009'.

Worksheet cells may represent task attributes such as: status, priority, duration, cost etc. Individual worksheet is an important instrument of work assignment (can be used by employees as 'to-do-list') and can be used for job tracking. In this case employee (or his/her supervisor), during task list execution, should fill empty cells with required information and deliver worksheet copy to project coordinators. Such completed worksheets are used for gathering of information on project performance, so they are carefully studied, analyzed and archived. Worksheet name is a specific attribute of this document which is intended to clear identifying of worksheets within archive. For example in worksheet titlecan be encoded date range that it covers, name of employee and project which it concerns and so on. Data obtained from individual agenda of each employee can be processed and used for updating of worksheets of higher levels.

Worksheet software for personnel management

To use groupware is a proper solution when management of project team is required, because such groupware has a lot of advantages in comparison with traditional paper worksheets. Worksheet software helps project/team coordinators to set and control project/individual worksheets remotely, conveniently and promptly.
VIP Task Manager is a time and task planning groupware which allow breaking-down projects into tasks, assigning tasks to executors, placing tasks into task groups, and tracking course of task performance in real-time regime. Users can easily update and modify their electronic worksheets, or print them out if required. Information about any changes will be instantly delivered to their supervisors.
VIP Task Manager is easy-to-use task management groupware which allows multiple users access one database via LAN and Internet. It features:

  • Tasks (sales plans, business processes, procedures etc.) planning, reporting and tracking;
  • Management of office employees, departments and small projects;
  • Task List, Task Tree, Scheduler (Calendar) modes;
  • Setting of timelines, priorities, tasks order and workloads;
  • Common and individual management;
  • Time, workflow, productivity, KPI control;
  • Customization of task attributes;
  • Charts and exportable reports;
  • Management of access rights;
  • Real-time collaboration;

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