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Employee motivation and employee performance software


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Methods of direct influence (compulsion and conviction) in system of personnel motivation do not always work effectively. Moreover, they can even generate opposite effect- employee dismotivation. So for creation of steady motivation the manager, first of all, should take care of the conditions that secure and promote motives of constructive and vigorous activity of an employee. Staff motivation means the possibility to make them work efficiently, to retain best employees and to engage best professionals from labor resource market. The motivation is very powerful instrument which sphere of influence leaves far beyond traditional conception about it as of stimulation of the personnel. Formation of motivational conditions is in many respects directed on cultivating employees' feeling of participation in company's activity and business goals attainment. The feeling of participation to a common cause assumes formation of the general vision of the company: its missions, current situation, ideology, prospects. Such vision will bring correct understanding of decisions, plans, obtaining of the responsible initiative from employees' side. There are few rules that can regulate methods:

  1. Encouragement is much more effective and constructive than punishment, especially in long-term perspective
  2. Unpredictable and irregular encouragements stimulate better, than when they are expected and predicted.
  3. Encouragement should be up-to-date; the more the time interval, the less effect.
  4. Big and rare awards usually cause envy, small and frequent - satisfaction.

  The goal of motivation is to make employees effective, and this cannot be performed if employees can not be satisfied with their attainments and enjoy gained experience. Employees need to feel importance of their roles within the company's activity. Each employee should feel himself/herself as responsible leader that works within the team of peers. One of the effective methods of increasing motivation within staff is to use employee performance software. Employee tracking systems that make common targets achievement visible are especially useful. That's because employees often evaluate their achievements in comparison with their colleagues and try to follow the leader. VIP Task Manager is software that allows team members report on their tasks and makes targets measurable and visible for each of team members. Due to this fact VIP Task Manager is easy to use employee tracking software that allows team leader see what progress towards project goals was made by each employee. Employee performance software is a great instrument that can help employees to feel their roles better. Clear task and time planning is a very important step on the way to productivity increasing.

VIP Task Manager is employee planning software that allows task planning by various attributes. Most important item for any task planning is time. Another important attribute is priority. Employee should distinctly know what tasks, when and in what order should be executed by him/her. Each team member can use his/her Task List view to see what tasks should be done today, tomorrow, this week and any time interval. VIP Task Manager is employee planning software that allows to plan tasks by start and end dates, by due dates, by durations, to set task recurrence and priorities (from lowest to urgent).

Another important for employee planning software feature is notifications. VIP Task Manager features flexible system of e-mail and in-system notifications that will make team members aware about any events happened within system. VIP Task Manager is employee planning software that allows managing small projects (to build task groups hierarchy) using Task Tree regime and scheduling tasks and appointments with a help of Scheduler (Calendar view).

VIP Task Manager as an effective employee tracking software provides team members with possibility to report their tasks according to company workflow. Team members are able to set tasks statuses, percents of completeness, attach files and use notes section of each task to write quick reports. Besides that kind of software should provide possibility to analyze group work achievements in order to define possible issues, for example delayed tasks or contrariwise define that some team members have made great progress. VIP Task Manager allows team members to build various charts and printable reports. The important advantage of software is possibility to export data. VIP Task Manager can export data to formats of MS Excel and HTML, so reports can be stored on hard-drive and posted on company web site.

VIP Task Manager is one of systems that allow team members to collaborate within one flexible environment and simultaneously access the same database. Another important advantage that employee tracking systems should have is flexibility and customizability. VIP Task Manager provides users with customizable interface, workflow, task attributes and system of access permissions.

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