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Online vs. desktop task list  

Online vs. desktop task list


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When people want to take their time and tasks under control – they start using the simplest method of organizing – to do lists. In modern time, due to development of computer technologies, traditional to-do lists were given a new life and became even more efficient than they were during "paper epoch".

That's why task list desktop and online based software is very popular today and represented by dozens of different tools. The main competition in this sphere is between desktop task lists (that require installation on your computer) and online task lists (that work through the Internet and web-browser, like the Google tool). Let's briefly consider these two types, including their merits and demerits.

Online task list . They can be accessed through their special web-sites. In order to review interface of web based task list you need to have an appropriate web-browser and individual account on web-site providing such a service. There are many of online task list free services for individual use, but if you want to have collaboration with teammates then you need online shared task list capability – this capability is usually provided by web task lists for money, as additional service. When you choose online task list this means that you prefer mobile style of life, including using different mobile devices, and you probably spend a lot of time in Internet, accessing it from different computers and devices (like Blackberry solutions). But if you want to coordinate team working at the same office – it is not reasonable solution, because it brings dependence on Internet connection.

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Desktop task list – loosely, this type includes not only PC software, but rather all installable software for managing tasks, including alternative systems (like Mac operated tools). If you work the most part of your time with one or even with two computers (for example at home and at your workplace) then desktop application can work for you just fine. There are lots of paid and free desktop task lists that have different range of functions, but the main advantage of any agenda is that your data is safely kept on your own PC (unlike online task list s where your data is kept on remote Web server ). When you work with desktop task list you can be sure about data accessibility, because you don't depend on Internet connection, so you can plan and see your tasks at any moment, avoiding slow performance and web server timeouts.

If you need shared solution for agenda management then you can consider the following desktop example – VIP Task Manager . This is multi-functional client-server tool that works within your LAN, using your server for storing database. This software provides shared and synchronized task lists on desktop of every team member, so everyone can stay in touch with the latest project achievements and updates. This is not a free tool, but commercial software with 30 days free trial version.

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