Task Management Software

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Product Development Planning Software  

Product Development Planning Software


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Task management software
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Business management software
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VIP Task Manager
Task management software
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Product development planner is a type of software for creating a long-term outlook of future-oriented objectives, promising directions and prospective actions to elaborate conceptions and projects of new services and goods to be offered by the business organization on their market. Every profound company needs a serious plan to be worked through in order of maintaining their market share, keeping competitiveness, and staying afloat in modern turbulent environment. It is a product of cross-functional collaboration assumed by a dedicated department (The department) or by an emergent structure that is assembled and maintained in an informal manner. In both cases special software can be used to facilitate collaboration and activities on these efforts.

outline: what this plan is and what software can be applied?

While some current products and services keep working on the market, it is necessary for the companies to think about their future beforehand, prior to a time when their offers and products will run to the end of their life cycle (will be declining), so the executives of this company need to have, amend, and constantly realize business plan called to ensure the company’s future success and prosperity.

Software is a solution that can be used to facilitate activities at organizing and managing such a plan. Good example of such a program is VIP Task Manager that provides you with the following capabilities:

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Product Development Planning Software
  • Plan – this client-server application has all means to manage your processes. Actually it can be used for:
    • Maintaining communications between team members;
    • Planning, tracking and reporting activities allotted within a team;
    • Setting goals and priorities by products, services, projects, etc;
    • Controlling budget and timing over the templates;
  • Tools – this multiuser application features a plenty of useful project management instruments, such as:
    • Task Tree – a tool to create multi-level WBS trees of smaller tasks and their categories to display network of interrelated action items and obtain an overlook of the currently running product development projects;
    • Task List – a flexible instrument to display organized, grouped and filtered task lists (to-do lists). It is an interactive sheet to display your tasks in an explained, rich manner and to report statusing and progress over workflow components;
    • Calendar – tool with a customizable time-grid for creating project timelines and displaying agendas, whether individual or group-oriented;

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new CentriQS -15% OFF
Business management software
for small & midsize enterprises

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VIP Task Manager
Task management software
for teams & small offices
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