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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Project collaboration tool


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What is project collaboration tool?
Now project mangers have a great opportunity to benefit from use of project collaboration tools. Real-time project collaboration tool helps to create an environment for project participants where they can co-operate, share their accomplishments and communicate with each other. Project collaboration tools are very effective instruments that allow project team members and supervisors to be always in touch with project evolution and news. Computer-based project collaboration solution can help to solve many issues connected with project information gathering and processing, because it makes these processes paperless and quick. With a help of such software you can create project collaboration platform where each team member can feel convenience of dealing with project tasks in well-defined terms of cooperation between project participants and report progress in well-known terms. There are powerful project management products such as MS Project, but it is single-user oriented solution, and if you want to arrange MS Project collaboration you need to make additional investments into Exchange Server. That's why it is advisable for you to consider other project collaboration tools as alternatives to MS Project collaboration.

Main purposes of project collaboration solution:

  1. Project Tracking in unified terms - One of the objectives of project manager is ensuring strict conformity of terms used in project planning with terms used for project reporting, so progress can be easily tracked. Owing to common project collaboration platform all users receive opportunity to work in one environment where planning and reporting are performed in the same terms, so supervisor of project collaboration system can easily track progress and problems.
Project collaboration tool
  1. Making everyone informed - This is one of the main purposes of Project collaboration tool. Owing to client-server project collaboration system all project stakeholders can be instantly informed just on their workplaces. Project collaboration tools create one common environment where everyone, from project coordinator to average performer, can be immediately informed about any project updates or changes. All informational exchange can be performed through project collaboration server.
  2. Sharing and organizing documents - project collaboration system allows everyone in the project team to organize, share and review project documentation. Common project collaboration platform also implies file repository that can be used by project participants in order to get familiarized with digitized documentation.
Specific example of project collaboration tool
VIP Task Manager is client-server desktop project collaboration tool that allows you to manage and share projects among multiple users simultaneously. You can use this powerful project collaboration solution to plan and assign business tasks in terms of multiple projects, plan time and costs, control performance in real-time regime and analyze team efficiency. VIP Task Manager provides free-of-charge project collaboration serve rand client components to bond your workgroup into one mobilized team. You can successfully use this project collaboration platform to share project schedules, documents, track details of project evolution and manage other important activities.

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