Task Management Software

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Home » Solutions » Articles » Task assignment software - consider how simple multi-user tool can help you to plan tasks, assign tasks and control tasks
Task assignment software - consider how simple multi-user tool can help you to plan tasks, assign tasks and control tasks  

Task assignment software - consider how simple multi-user tool can help you to plan tasks, assign tasks and control tasks


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How to assign tasks
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How to assign tasks  with CentriQS Professional

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Task assignment software is a project or business management tool useful in multiple task management. It is a set of auxiliary tools that are intended to help project or business managers with progress tracking. Task assignment software can be divided into two types: single-user and multi-user. A good single-user should display detailed information about assigned tasks - names, priorities, performers, deadlines, start dates etc. In the case of single-user software all these attributes of assigned task are helpful first of all for work administrators that should handle task assigning board, team schedules and workloads, but not for performers who are assigned to tasks.

Project planning and task assigning can be successfully performed with a help of single-user project management and task assignment tool , howeverplans developed by project manager should be announced and explained for performers somehow. Making team informed and mobilized is the most intricate part of such task system , because to notify team members about assigned tasks you may need to create and send e-mails, print and post on-wall schedules, print and distribute individual to-do-lists etc. - this is slow, complicated and inconvenient for tracking system.

Really effective task assignment package should be multi-user and support two-way communications - from manager to employees and from employees to manager. In other words tool should not be only manager's individual instrument that helps him/her to assign task and manage data, but also it should make employees informed about assigned tasks without additional efforts.

In order to assign task to employeeand make him/her instantly informed tool should work in client-server manner, because only client-server technology allows real-time task assigning and tracking of assigned tasks performance. Real-time multi-user collaboration software has a lot of advantages over single-user variants because:

  • If performer has assigned task he/she is able to get immediately all necessary information regarding task (instructions, timelines, priorities etc.) with a help of client application of multi-user task management software.
  • Team members can easily see and update their working schedules and lists of assigned tasks at any moment.
  • Managers can easily control performance of each assigned task , as well as progress of projects in real-time regime.

CentriQSis real-time multi-user system that allows sharing tasks between the multiple performers. CentriQS is task software that can be used by project managers to break-down multiple projects into separate tasks, assign each todo item to appropriate executor or sub-teams and analyse performance. CentriQS can help you to make sure that you will not miss tasks deadlines and will help you to track project evolution in terms of tasks completion, time, quantity and costs.


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