Task Management Software

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Microsoft project management software  

Microsoft project management software


Microsoft project management software can be a key solution for managing your efforts to consistently accomplish projects on time and within budget. It helps take critical steps, such as calculating in MS Excel, building Gantt Charts in MS Project, managing tasks and emails in MS Outlook, sharing information by means of SharePoint technology. By using MS solutions, you can avoid time wasting and complete the following critical steps:

  • Planning resources (time, people, money) necessary to your project by making calculations in spreadsheets of MS Excel.
  • Spotting issues early (not when it’s too late to solve them) and generating solutions in collaboration with members of your team by means of SharePoint technology.
  • Optimizing the use of resources, so you finish your job as early as possible
  • Updating your project plan and emailing messages to your team members by using capabilities of Outlook .
  • Developing project diagrams and Gantt Charts for tracking your project by using powerful tools of MS Visio .
Microsoft Corporation has developed a great distribution network that allows affiliated resellers to give users links to download MS software. This network makes MS products more popular but not more affordable. Many users wish to buy MS Project or Excel project management software, but due to high prices for licenses they often cannot afford spending a considerable amount of money on the products. This situation causes users to look for free download editions that are valid only within an evaluation period (1 or two weeks). High prices and some technical aspects of MS products make users find alternative software solutions which are affordable and powerful.
Shared calendar program
Today in the software market you can find many project management software integrated with Outlook, Project, or other Microsoft products. Sometimes such software solutions offer similar capabilities and functionality for managing projects allowing you to choose between these solutions and any MS SharePoint . For example, VIP Task Manager Professional offers project management tools and capabilities which can successfully compete with Outlook. VIP Task Manager allows importing tasks from MS Outlook into its own task lists, so you can easily convert your Outlook’s tasks into VIP Task Manager’s todo items.

VIP Task Manager is a client-server PM shareware solution that lets you quickly add tasks, manage user accounts, set work durations, assign supervisors, create project trees, develop schedules, and more. The software has a user-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use. Unlike some unintelligible options and features in Microsoft products that often require some training, VIP Task Manager is quite simple, and you are likely to learn its features and functionality quickly. You can download VIP Task Manager from this website.


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