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Portable project management software  

Portable project management software


Portable project management software is a type of software that is machine independent – it doesn’t depend on a particular type of hardware, being able to work on a variety of computers. Usually PM software portable capability means that it is cross-platform – able to work on Windows, Mac, Linux, mobile devices etc (usually developers of such products produce separate editions for each available system, so the same functionality is transferred into different environments), but besides this meaning, there is a definition telling that the term is for programs installable on mobile (handheld) devices, so you can always be in touch with situation on your projects while travelling or being out of office.

Project management software for Blackberry includes programs which can be installed on this mobile device which holds about 20% share of worldwide smartphone sales. This tool is popular for its capability of sending and receiving e-mails wherever it can connect a mobile network of certain cellular phone carriers. This service is quite well-known everywhere it is available (for example in North America and in the most of European countries). There is a number of project management software Blackberry based tools which use its special capabilities like sending emails, so you can input and output project tasks and other information through email. The examples of Blackberry software include Tenrox, ProjectOffice and others. Another popular mobile device is Palm PDA. PM toolsfor Palm includes programs which can run on this PDA driven by its own Palm OS, as well as WebOS, or Windows Mobile. 

PM software for Iphone is a tool that can be installed on this famous device (designed and marketed by Apple Inc) which is driven by operating system known as iOS (formerly iPhone OS). This smartphone is well-known of its touch screen capability, possibility to display web pages in their full form, and convenient widgets, so Iphone project management software is a program which supports all these features to deliver you the best functionality on this device. 


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Portable project management software

Iphone is represented by Merlin iPhone, SharedPlan iPhone, @task and others. Actually to find the best project management software Iphonebased tool you should consider also all web-based applications that can work through on-line interface. Another Apple device iPad is supported with different iPad project management software, for example a tool called Project Pad. This tool provides project management software iPad functionality taking full advantage of the new Apple device including alerts for late tasks, timeline zoom in/out etc. Other examples of for iPad are Streamtime and Projector. 

Windows portable software: 

VIP Task Manager is < software for laptops and personal computers driven by Windows, which allows you to synchronize your laptop or home PC with in-office server, so you can keep connection with your boss or subordinates and projects while you are in business travels. This client-server software can be effectively used in a network of desktops, interconnected via LAN or Internet, so all teammates connected to one database can share common tasks and collaborate at their performance.



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