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Project management software solutions


Selection of a proper one among all available project management software solutions is an extremely wide topic as there are dozens of different solutions designed to meet different requirements. IT market is overloaded with a big number of different project management software types, solutions, systems etc, and it is quite difficult to investigate the whole abundance of choice to find what can ultimately satisfy your needs. This article is about helping you in making your choice. Let’s consider and explain the most diametrically opposed cases of those programs:

Simple solutions against complex – these two polar positions require consideration focused on the scale of tasks you undertake. While some simple PM applications are more practice-oriented, delivering only indispensable functionality, the complex ones are oriented at satisfying the most sophisticated needs. Complicated PM solutions are necessary to operate the different business matters from one dashboard, making all informational streams of the company multiplexed and directed into one central point of control where this data is studied, interpreted, integrated and processed. 

Such complex project management software systems are powerful enough to bring together finances, risks, tendencies forecasting, integrating different databases etc. All this functionality is suitable for large corporations that can spend serious budgets on intricate systems; meanwhile not so complicated tools are intended for those who want to keep simple work style along with getting higher productivity through better time and task management.


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Project management software solutions

Multi-user solutions against single-user – if to speak about preferable working mode, there are two project management software types which depend on a number of users who can concurrently use it. Single-user tools (like MS Project) can be mainly used by one person who operates with all the matters himself, without having close collaboration with other team members. Those programs for multiple users are intended to interconnect them (users) in terms of shared projects, so everyone can operate with the assigned load of responsibilities as well as to contribute his own part of information into common database. This allows reaching the project’s full picture through gathering its pieces as a mosaic which can be entirely viewed by the project manager who seats at the top of hierarchy. Usually, data sharing is a function which can be supported by a single-user packages like MS Project if you will additionally buy special collaborative modules for them.

If you think that simple and multi-user PM systems would be a suitable choice for you, then you may try one of the most striking examples of this type – VIP Task Manager.

This tool belongs to small number of applications which combine simplicity in use, installation, configuring and administering with quite rich functionality and elegant intuitive user interface. This software is a good choice for small and medium business where people would like to have more practice-oriented solution without excessive gadgets.


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