Task Management Software

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Collaborative Scheduling Software  

Collaborative Scheduling Software


Collaborative scheduling software is a multiuser system that allows you and your team to keep the business time under control, so it can be a very useful instrument to know how effectively your time is utilized and how this influences your organization’s profits. You can check in practice the idea “time is money”, because you will be able to clearly distinguish the dependence and balance between the manner of how your valuable business time is utilized and the business outcomes produced in a result. That system may have several purposes to be used for in a company – for example business resources scheduling, job and project management, shift allocation, business processes planning, etc.

We can assume that a really well-stocked collaborative scheduler provides you with the following capabilities:

  • Composing and sharing worksheets on individual assignments and tasks (to-do listed schedule);
  • Composing and sharing timelines of project activities (chronological schedule of tasks);
  • Composing and sharing workflow calendars (practical time-grid schedule);
  • Composing and sharing tree-like structures of tasks to represent task categories (project-oriented multilevel schedule);

Why use collaborative scheduling software in business?

Workloads control: It is a wonderful computerized instrument that helps company’s direction to administer workloads (plan and assign workloads to performers), so it will help to avoid stressing employees with “back-breaking” work (not a secret that excessive or poorly-balanced workloads underlie procrastinations and stresses, so they should be smartly coordinated and providently scheduled). Collaboration schedule software can be used in order to find fair allocation of working tasks and make your staff time planning more transparent;

Increased awareness: time management is a practice that ensures equal access of employees to shared informational resources, so everyone in the team stays always aware of what and when needs to be accomplished, as well as what was updated and changed on-the-fly. Owing to features of collaborative scheduling system (such as shared Calendar) you can be completely sure that your employees (or project stakeholders, peer managers, etc) are kept in touch with the recent situation on the project (or daily business activities);

Less procrastination: any effective application provides you with a set of instruments to avoid delays and mismanagements on critical tasks and important activities. This set of tools may include reminders on target dates (pop-up and email alerts), color-coding tasks when their deadlines are coming up, and prioritization to outline the level of importance of tasks. 

Specific example of collaboration schedule software:

VIP Task Manager is a client-server program that helps you to avoid subjecting employees to superfluous pressure of work. This software is a serious support for any smart employer (especially from segment of small or medium business) who knows that unbalanced workloads can cause delays and chronic fatigue to employees so work should be properly allocated and providently scheduled. This easy-to-use (yet powerful) application enables you to drive your organization’s collaboration schedule in three modes:

  • Task List (formatted to-do lists, everyday worksheets, prioritization, timesheets, etc);
  • Task Tree (categorization of tasks, hierarchization of tasks, projecting tasks);
  • Calendar (timelines of the projects, daily, weekly and monthly business agendas);

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Collaborative Scheduling Software

This fully-functional tool can cover the whole variety of scheduling needs (from business resources scheduling to career planning) and also provides not only informative functionality (read-only worksheets), but real interactive reporting.

VIP Task Manager provides you with the following capabilities:

  • over LAN – you can establish multiple client-server connections over your corporate network to let your users collaborating in real-time regime (so users can stay always connected to a shared database to update and retrieve their data).  
  • over Internet – you can also establish real-time connections over the Web. VIP Task Manager doesn’t maintain web-based interface, but it works using its original application-based interface (therefore this is not a program for over Intranet).

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