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Step 5 : Planning Telecommunication Company tasks  

Step 5 : Planning Telecommunication Company tasks


Step 5 : Planning Telecommunication Company tasks

In any industry Time is a basic resource, but Telecommunication industry is among industries where time is a resource of strategic importance. As far as Telecommunication industry provides customers with channels and means for informational exchange – any serious technical failures in this infrastructure can paralyze the whole company workflow – people cannot stay for a long time without phone communication, television, Internet, cellular phones etc. For many companies even one day without Internet or phone means direct losing of incomes, so if Telecommunication Company wants to keep working on this market and doesn’t want to pay compensations – it should be very punctual and fast in performing its tasks.

Tracking building company tasksVIP Task Manager is project management solution that allows Telecommunication Company to be accurate with its maintenance, repair and installation schedules, project timelines and other working timetables. This solution will help telecommunication staff to be more productive, mobilizing and concentrating their efforts on right priorities, observing deadlines and following optimal working plans.

  • Planning tasks by Dates :

VIP Task Manager is telecommunication team management software that allows planning and controlling time scopes of tasks and projects in Telecommunication Company. Every task in this program has a standard set of time -related properties – start and end dates, due date, estimated duration, task recurrence and pop-up/e-mail reminders. The most convenient mode for viewing tasks by dates is Calendar.

  • Planning tasks by Priorities:

VIP Task Manager helps telecommunication staff to concentrate their efforts on the most important and urgent tasks. For this purpose each task has special prioritizing attribute which allows ranging tasks by their importance. The most convenient mode for sorting, grouping and filtering tasks by priorities is Task List.

  • Planning tasks by Order:

VIP Task Manager helps telecommunication team to create, share in real-time, check-off and print out checklists (templates) for technical procedures, business processes and recurring projects. For this purpose tasks can be ordered by numbers, set optionally, or through sorting (ascending, descending) by some task attributes. The most convenient mode for operating with hierarchical project templates is Task Tree.

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