Task Management Software

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Business Process Management Solutions


All companies have business processes, whether if they are process oriented organizations or not, because all companies have clients whose needs they try fulfill. This goal is achieved by optimizing each business process, which is a set of interrelated and structured tasks that add value for company clients, so all unnecessary tasks should be excluded from a business process to increase company effectiveness and efficiency.

Setting, tracking and improving company business processes are critical because they bring in income and customer satisfaction. The method of modeling business processes is called Business process management (BPM). It distinguishes various types of business processes like management, operational or supporting processes, and breaks processes into sub-processes, then sub-processes into tasks.

The tasks and sub-processes are structured and interrelated according to the life cycle, which includes design, modeling, execution, monitoring and optimization. All these stages are integral parts of a business process and failing any of them can harm the entire process. To avoid such an issue many companies resort to the help of specific technology: BPM System or BPM Software (BPMS).

BPM Software aims not to automate business process itself or model a "perfect" process, but to enhance the current business processes with IT resource. It is used to model the daily tasks effectively no matter how complex they are. In this sense, VIP Task Manager stands out against other BPM systems because most of the BPMS are too overkill to be used effectively.

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