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Home » Solutions » Task Management Solution » Simple vs. advanced task management
Simple vs. advanced task management  

Simple vs. advanced task management

  • What is Simple task management?

Simple task management (TM) is elementary process which is necessary for everyday life of any person who aspires to be organized. It helps us to achieve better allocation of our individual time and be more effective in spending our energy through concentrating efforts on right activities and focusing on right priorities.

  • What is Advanced task management?

Advanced task management is necessary for accomplishment of serious projects where a team of performers is involved. It includes allocation of responsibilities through composing a project plan with hierarchy of tasks with complex assignments, documenting specific workflow and sub-planning of tasks for completing them in the context of project specific inputs and operating with project resources.

  • Simplicity is above all:

Simple task management software provides basic functionality to create, schedule, prioritize, categorize, and filter to-do lists. There is a lot of software products designed for these needs, including free tools as well as quite expensive packages. Basically, it allows you to plan personal tasks and to make lists of things that should be done. Simple TM tool should provide users with intuitive interface and easy task management functions, because it is obvious that excessive functionality and complex interface are not compatible with requirements of easiness.

  • Broadened set of tools:

Advanced task management software is designed to satisfy more sophisticated needs and it should provide effective task management functionality, together with intuitive interface. Besides to-do lists, it should provide more of helpful viewing modes – for example project “task tree”, calendar, timeline, and list of team members. Advanced task management software allows breaking projects down into categorized tasks, registering project team members, assigning tasks and responsibilities to these team members, inputting specific qualitative and quantitative task parameters for better specifying and documenting work requirements, calculating project resources such as time and costs etc.

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  • Task management software types and peculiarities:
If to speak about functionality – the main point is simplicity (a set of basic functions supported by simple interface) and the point of advanced TM software is effectiveness in use (rich functionality supported by intuitive interface). It is a rare case when some product can combine simplicity and rich functionality at the same time – the most of well-featured products have very complex interface that is overloaded with icons, menus and professional wording, while functionality of simple products doesn't match needs of real project mgt. Software for simple task management is usually a stand-alone application designed for needs of single users, whereas software for project management should interconnect multiple users that are involved into project, so it works through client-server technology with shared database. However, there are several project management applications like MS Project that is designed for single-user working, and requires additional paid configuration for working in multi-user regime.

Powerful, yet easy task manager review:
There is a tool which covers needs of advanced task management as well as needs of easy TM. This effective, yet simple task management software is called VIP Task Manager. This powerful tool is used for planning, assigning and controlling tasks in a project team or personal action plan. Owing to good adjustability of this product you can design unique task parameters and workflows according to specificity of your project. With a help of collaborative features you can control your project in real-time, through monitoring statuses of tasks as well as checking qualitative and quantitative measurements.

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