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Step 2. Organizing software development company staff  

Step 2. Organizing software development company staff


Small business software development company requires various specialists: Developers, Testers, Content Makers, Copywriters, Marketing Managers, Account Managers, Sales Managers, Graphic Designers, etc. Most of the staff can be listed in VIP Task Manager Resource List as users of the program to be able to log in and share tasks with other users in real time. The employees accounts may contain the name, email and password, as well as job title, department, phone # and address of each person.

To organize the software development company staff in a convenient way the staff list can broken into groups by departments they belong to. For that purpose there is a Department column in VIP Task Manager. Group the employees by department is very simple: user need to drag and drop the Department column header on the space above the Resource List grid. Also each user can belong to a role that limits his or her rights to see, create, edit and delete certain tasks.

Now when all employees' accounts are created and users are assigned to their roles, you can set permissions for the roles or individuals. For example, only the head of development department should be able to create and delete tasks within his department, while developers should only see and update the tasks created by development department head.

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