Task Management Software

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The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Home » Solutions » Translation Agency
Step 1. Choosing translation agency software  

Step 1. Choosing translation agency software


Efficient activity of the translation agency requires a mechanism which allows to organize the employees and manage their tasks using special translation agency software. Well-organized and manageable task performance of the translation agency staff can be achieved by using VIP Task Manager. This task and project management software allows to create corporate databases, improve team collaboration and build efficient relationships between employees and management of the translation agency.

Task Tree View for translation agency managers

Managers of the translation agency need accurate and complete information on the current activity of the agency departments and subordinates. VIP Task Manager has Task Tree View which allows to build hierarchic structure of the translation agency tasks. Managers of the translation agency get the following benefits by using Task Tree View in VIP Task Manager

  • Hierarchical view of the translation agency tasks
  • Assign tasks to translators, copywriters, linguists, etc. and set permissions
  • Check task statuses of orders and change their priorities
  • Filter tasks by department, assignment, etc.
  • Set deadlines for translation projects and track their task procrastinations
  • Set individual and group plans
  • Analyze individual and group task performance
  • Build and print out charts
  • Move completed tasks and folders to archive
translation agency software

Task List View for translation agency specialists

Specialists of the translation agency can use Task List View in VIP Task Manager as translation agency software to get task lists for daily work. This View gives the best usability with such advantages for specialists as:

  • Convenient to do list view to perform task and track assigned priorities
  • Group, sort and filter the task by the columns “Assigned”, “Due date”, “Priority” etc.
  • Watch procrastinated and urgent tasks
  • Set up reminders for the tasks and get email notifications
  • Leave notes and comments for translations
  • Attach texts, vocabularies, and other materials as file or links to the tasks
  • Build and print out task reports
Task List View for translation agency specialists

Calendar view for planning and scheduling

VIP Task Manager has Calendar view which allows to plan and schedule the tasks of the translation agency. All tasks can be displayed in monthly, weekly or daily view. Calendar can be used both by employees to plan personal tasks and by managers to schedule the group tasks and translation projects. It gives the following advantages for managers and their specialists of the translation agency:

  • Convenient drag and drop functionality
  • Use calendar as a planner for personal tasks
  • Use calendar as a scheduler for the translation projects
  • Possibility to display the tasks in time grid view
  • Set up filters and group tasks by assigned resources
  • Track procrastinated tasks
  • Print our calendar view
Calendar view for planning and scheduling
  1. >> Step 1. Choosing translation agency software
  2. Step 2. Organizing translation agency staff
  3. Step 3. Building translation agency workflow
  4. Step 4. Translation agency task customization
  5. Step 5. Task planning in the translation agency solution
  6. Step 6. Sharing translation agency tasks
  7. Step 7. Documenting translation agency tasks
  8. Step 8. Tracking translation agency tasks
  9. Step 9. Reporting tasks in translation agency solution
  10. Step 10. Managing KPI in translation agency solution

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