Task Management Software

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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Tracking Human Resource(HR) - company(department) tasks  

Tracking Human Resource(HR) - company(department) tasks


VIP Task Manager provides HR professionals with useful instrument - Filters

Filters within VIP Task Manager are one of the main instruments which allow HR managers and HR specialists view their tasks properly and analyze work performance. Filter panel of VIP Task Manager is used to customize view of tasks within any of three modes - Task List, Task Tree and Scheduler (Calendar mode). You can set filters by all available task attributes. With help of the Filters HR specialists can do such operations:

  • see HR tasks (operations, steps of business processes, procedures etc.) assigned for certain period of time
  • see HR tasks assigned for certain executor
  • see HR tasks with certain statuses and priorities
  • see HR tasks with certain name, ID, date started, completed or any other task attribute
  • assess the current state of work performance for any employee or within any department
  • disclose progress or regress within employee's productivity and work execution speed
  • discover the irregularity in work results of employee
  • define employee's effectiveness in comparison with other employees and so on

VIP Task Manager allows HR company specialists to track the work performance

One of the main purposes of VIP Task Manager is tracking the team work performance. Task statuses are one of the essential instruments of task tracking. They show the current condition of the HR task. For example: As soon as employee completes the task he/she should change the task status to "Complete" - the manager (or/and any concerning person) will receive the appropriate automatic notification instantly and will be aware that certain task is done. VIP Task Manager allows specialist of HR-company to:

  • change statuses in order to report about certain stage of task performance
  • use standard sequence of various statuses (workflow)
  • create new specific statuses and workflows according to needs of HR company
  • group and filter HR tasks according to their statuses
  • combine different workflows (sets of statuses) within one project, business process etc.

VIP Task Manager makes HR company specialists aware about approaching of Due date

VIP Task Manager is time and task management groupware, so it allows to plan due dates and end dates for each task. When one HR specialist should perform dozens of planned tasks and each of them has different due date, as well as HR-company management should control the hundreds of tasks within the different departments and projects - it necessary to know the time left before due dates in order to be sure that tasks will not be delayed or procrastinated.
VIP Task Manager allows HR professionals to:

  • know how much time is left before due date (or end date) of each HR task
  • see procrastinated tasks which are marked out with orange color and will easily attract the attention
  • color-code the custom time periods before the due date to identify by task color how much time is left before its Due date   
  • Set reminders to work when custom period of time is left before Due date
  1. Choosing human resources company software
  2. Organizing HR-company staff
  3. Setting HR-company/department workflow
  4. Customizing HR company/department tasks
  5. Planning HR-company tasks
  6. Sharing HR company tasks
  7. Documenting HR company tasks
  8. >> Tracking HR company tasks
  9. Reporting HR company tasks
  10. Managing HR company KPI

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